đź’° Money Can’t Buy Life!

I am convinced that it’s impossible to truly live out your “best life” in a world that is grossly riddled with sin, hurt, hate, and division. Some of you might disagree because you believe that material possessions, money, and social status are what define true happiness. Well, you’re right! All of these “things” will give you a temporary sense of contentment. However; stuff get old, money is fleeting, and people will turn their backs on you in a blink of an eye. Life here on this planet, no matter how good it is, is nothing compared to the life that awaits us in heaven. The glories of heaven—eternal life, righteousness, joy, peace, perfection, God’s presence, Christ’s glorious companionship, rewards, and all else God has planned—is the Christian’s heavenly inheritance (1 Peter 1:3-5), and it will cause even the “best life” on earth to pale in comparison. Even the richest, most successful person on earth will eventually age, sicken, and die, and his/her wealth (material possessions, money, and social status) cannot prevent it, nor can his/her wealth follow him/her into the next life. Bob Marley’s last words to his son Ziggy were, “Money can’t buy you life.” Fact is our hearts reside wherever our treasures is hidden (Matthew 6:19-21). In other words, what we value in life permeates our hearts, our minds, our very existence, and it inevitably comes out in our speech and actions. Please hear me, living your “best life” isn’t about hinging what you think will impress others — that’s not living your “best life”, that’s only living someone else’s idea of it. Let me be clear, the “living your best life” philosophy is nothing more than the old “power of positive thinking” lie repackaged to scratch the itching ears of our current generation. As I mentioned and I can’t emphasis this enough; if we know Jesus Christ as our Savior, our “best lives” await us in heaven where we will spend eternity in joy and bliss, enjoying a life which is far better than the “best” we could have now here on this planet.


About #4GIVEN

#4GIVEN ministries is a devotional blog written to empower, encourage, and equip believers and unbelievers. We sincerely hope and pray that every reader and fellow blogger walks always with inspiration in their hearts and a fire in their belly after they read one of our inspiring devotionals. The mission is to make Christ known and to remind believers and unbelievers they are never too far gone for God to heal, deliver, and set free!
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