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Jesus spoke these words in Luke 9:26, “For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in his glory and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.”

What a sobering, bold and convicting statement!

My message this morning is short: Consider Jesus’ worth; instead of devaluing His glory, make much of it. Think on His authority; instead of rejecting His lordship, submit to it. Notice again His heart; instead of neglecting His salvation, receive it. Jesus is absolutely not ashamed of people like you and me. He not only calls us by name, He also sits at the right hand of a flawless and perfect God interceding on our behalf(John 8:34).

Jesus is definitely not ashamed of us and He knows even the darkest secrets!





About #4GIVEN

#4GIVEN ministries is a devotional blog written to empower, encourage, and equip believers and unbelievers. We sincerely hope and pray that every reader and fellow blogger walks always with inspiration in their hearts and a fire in their belly after they read one of our inspiring devotionals. The mission is to make Christ known and to remind believers and unbelievers they are never too far gone for God to heal, deliver, and set free!
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