Humility Over Pride!

The AMP translation of Proverbs 11:2 is spot on and it reads, “When pride comes [boiling up with an arrogant attitude of self-importance], then come dishonor and shame, But with the humble [the teachable who have been chiseled by trial and who have learned to walk humbly with God] there is wisdom and soundness of mind.”

This verse contrasts pride and humility. The word for “pride” used here is zā’don, which also means “arrogance.” This is a person who sees no need for God in his life. His overconfidence boils over into self-indulgent living and egotism. He believes he is master of his own fate, but he fails to understand that pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 18:12). Eventually, he will experience the humiliation of reality.

To put it in context, Proverbs 11:1–8 describes the righteous life of a wise man in contrast to the corrupt life of a wicked man. The righteous person is concerned with doing right and is delivered from trouble, whereas the wicked person is more concerned with being right which regrettably leads to disaster.

My brothers and sisters, wherever humility goes, wisdom goes. Humility and wisdom are inseparable. Wherever humility goes, wisdom follows. Whatever relationship humility leads into, wisdom follows.

Make no mistake, most people who welcome humility into their heart don’t even realize that wisdom follows because it’s hard to see the engine when you’re driving the vehicle. It is for this reason that humble people rarely acknowledge their wisdom – it is precisely because they are lowly. Whereas, proud people that fight tooth and nail to be right rarely acknowledge their shame because they are too proud to do so. As I mentioned before, humble people rarely acknowledge their wisdom because they are humble. But at the end of the day, pride always brings shame on some level and lowliness always births wisdom to some degree. Wise people are more concerned with doing right and as a result there is no shame or disgrace – but honor and grace poured out so that he or she is truly blessed.





About #4GIVEN

#4GIVEN ministries is a devotional blog written to empower, encourage, and equip believers and unbelievers. We sincerely hope and pray that every reader and fellow blogger walks always with inspiration in their hearts and a fire in their belly after they read one of our inspiring devotionals. The mission is to make Christ known and to remind believers and unbelievers they are never too far gone for God to heal, deliver, and set free!
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1 Response to Humility Over Pride!

  1. Gamma Hans says:

    God is in us
    God does not come to us from outside
    the soul
    where God has his abode
    obedience in humility throughout life


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