God’s way…Not Yours

I know I am not the only one that have asked God to do a certain thing and He turns right around and does the complete opposite. Initially, when God flips the script (aka chose an alternate route) on our prayer request it seems so unfair and unjust because we didn’t get what we want. Can I get an amen?

But wait…that’s just it…when we experience moments like this in life we must remember that God don’t think the same way we do (Isaiah 55:8) and He has called us to trust in Him in all circumstances (Proverbs 3:5).

Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 5:7, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” I believe, Paul was being both literal and figurative when he penned these words. If you didn’t know, one of Paul’s maladies was his eyesight…something may have happened to his vision after God restored on the road to Damascus, but that’s a story for another day.

The Bible promises blessings for all people who walk in God’s ways: “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!” (Psalm 128:1, ESV). In the original Hebrew, the word translated as “walk” in the above passage means “to live or behave in a specific manner.” Reverence for God expresses itself in actions and behaviors (Ecclesiastes 12:13; 2 Corinthians 7:1). My wife recently said to me, “Behavior is language” and you know what….she is 1,000% right.

Those who genuinely worship and serve the Lord God Almighty will devote their lives to Him not only with words but also by obeying His commands even when they don’t get what they expected.

My brothers and sisters, the Bible is the definitive roadmap for walking in God’s ways (Psalm 119:105). The Scriptures illuminate the path for our feet to walk, guiding our way in this world (Proverbs 6:23). To walk in God’s ways describes a lifestyle of daily seeking to know God and living in obedience to His will. It means delighting oneself in the Lord, meditating on His Word, and discovering His will (Psalm 1:1–2; 40:8).

The caption in the meme says, “One of these days you will look back in the rearview and be extremely thankful that it went God’s way and not yours.” That said, I want you to also remember that everything you lost in the past has or will be replaced with something better because God knows what He is doing, even when we don’t!





About #4GIVEN

#4GIVEN ministries is a devotional blog written to empower, encourage, and equip believers and unbelievers. We sincerely hope and pray that every reader and fellow blogger walks always with inspiration in their hearts and a fire in their belly after they read one of our inspiring devotionals. The mission is to make Christ known and to remind believers and unbelievers they are never too far gone for God to heal, deliver, and set free!
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